Three Sisters
Try to figure out these three sisters’ constitutional remedies? You are welcome to email me back to double-check your answer.
From left to right: Nux vomica – Cal carb – Phosphorus
This video is a sample of the kind of video the students watch in the Visual Homeopathy seminars. The students find the “group” videos particularly useful. For example, the following video is on three of the most common constitutional types- Nux vomica (Ken), Calcarea carbonia (Nancy, lady in middle), and Phosphorus (Karen, lady on the right). These three remedies are selected here to represent the three categories we cover in the Visual Homeopathy seminar: Nux vomica is from the “angry/irritable” category, Calc carb is from “the others” category, and Phosphorus is from the “soft and sweet” category. (Refer to the “What is Visual Homeopathy?” page for more information on these categories.)
I believe that it’s in carefully watching such interactions that you can truly learn what is meant by a particular trait in a remedy.
Kimberly’s constitutional remedy is Pulsatilla
Heather’s constitutional remedy is Causticum
In this video, Heather talks about how EFT (or Meridian Tapping) helped eliminate her cravings for sweets.
Rebecca’s constitutional remedy is Calc carb
Cynthia’s constitutional remedy is Sepia.
EFT can help you lose your sugar cravings, resulting in weight loss.
Carol’s constitutional remedy is Lachesis.
Following is a list of Pictures of various Constitutional Types. Try to Guess the Remedies before looking at the Write Up Underneath.

Could this person’s constitution be Nat mur? Of course Not! Just by looking at her, a skilled practitioner can immediately rule out some remedies such as Nat mur because this woman is clearly not the reserved type like Nat mur. If you think of the remedy Phosphorus for her (which is a more open remedy), you are thinking along the right lines. However, I believe she is Sepia. There is a certain strength of character and charisma in this woman which is not found in a Phosphorus individual. The woman in this picture is strong, but not the angry type like Nux. Clearly, in this case, the way I arrived at her remedy in my mind is by pattern recognition since we don’t have the luxury of asking the patient any questions here. Her body type, body language, skin tone, facial gestures, the glare in her eyes, etc, very much remind me of the other many patients I have seen in my practice whose constitution is Sepia.
This person’s constitutional remedy is most likely Sepia.

Notice that the way this woman is standing with her arms on her waist portrays a particular attitude that can be found in individuals with the Sepia constitution. This picture nicely illustrates what you, as a homeopath, are supposed to detect in the Sepia patient even if the patient is not putting this attitude out in the open. Many Sepias may be too lethargic or perhaps even too “cool” to show this attitude on the physical level with their body language, but you can detect this attitude in their emotions and behavior.
Yet another Sepia constitutional type. I have found that a great majority of African Americans’ constitutional homeopathic remedy is Sepia. Lycopodium is another remedy that I tend to see quite often among African Americans.
Another African American Sepia person.
This picture relays the attitude and appearance (in particular, the facial muscle tone) of a worn-out Sepia individual who happens to not be in the best mood. This picture was on the back of a truck.
This person’s constitutional remedy is most likely Lycopodium.
Notice the deep brow furrows. He appears emotionally dry and serious. He is likely intellectual. He does not seem intense and overtly angry, and yet is likely not very friendly, warm, and fuzzy. He appears to have some bottled-up underlying unresolved emotions, namely unexpressed anger/frustration. His appearance and gestures alone point me to the remedy Lycopodium. Of course, one needs to take his case to confirm our visual assessment.
This drawing was given to me by one of my patients, Eric (whose video can be found on this website) who had had multiple concussions throughout his life. He was helped tremendously by the remedy Helleborus when we first met, followed by Pulsatilla a few months later when he was much healthier in every way. (Note: Pulsatilla is a considerably healthier constitution, both physically and mentally than Helleborus.) About a year later, due to much stress, he slipped into another very ill constitution, Stramonium, followed by yet another rather mentally ill state, Belladonna. Eric’s overall physical and mental/emotional state appears to be so unstable that he seems to easily pop from one constitution to another. Although I find that this instability is rather rare in my practice, it’s still worth discussing due to the very intriguing nature of his case.
Note that both Stramonium and Belladonna belong to the Solanaceae family of remedies. “The whole family is associated with the dark side of the unconscious, with madness, violence, possession, and uncontrolled sexuality… All of the family seem to cover states where spirits are perceived, or at least believed to be perceived.” (Dr. Philip Baily, MD, homeopath)
I believe this drawing by my artistically oriented patient Eric is very representative of the mental/emotional state of individuals whose constitution belongs to the Solanaceae family of remedies.
Note: Since I am not certain when Eric drew this drawing, it’s difficult to know what his constitutional state would have been at the time. However, it’s clear that his mental/emotional state must not have been a healthy one since the drawing portrays a rather dark, dismal, hopeless, horror-stricken, and eerie state. (He is trapped in all kinds of gears and gadgets, and stuck underwater.)
I believe this cartoon character best resembles the constitutional type Silica! Notice the fine facial features (commonly found in Silica individuals) and her cold/withdrawn attitude. (Also note that she is stuck up, something that is obvious from the storyline.) She is a princess, and has a princess look about her, doesn’t she? Silicas often carry themselves like royalty. So, amazingly even people who draw cartoons must be aware of some homeopathic knowledge without even realizing it! The artist could have picked an entirely different illustration here (like a chubby Calc carb), but why did she/he pick a Silica? I don’t believe that was just a coincidence – the Silica facial features and attitude very often (not in every Silica case, of course) remind me of royalty.
Liz Carmouche (on left) vs. Jessica Andrade (on right)
If you can guess the remedies for these two ladies, you will be rewarded a free electronic copy of the Visual Homeopathy book. Email Dr. Sharif with the answer. Email is under the Contact Information page.
Following is a list of famous individuals and their suspected constitutional remedy. Note: This list will be continuously updated as time permits.
- Alexis Bledel Carcinosin (Plays in the TV Series Gilmore Girls, and the movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2)
- Amber Tamblyn Ignatia (Cranky woman in the movie “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2)
Blake Lively Phosphorus (Blond, adventurous woman in the movie “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2) - Brad Pitt Mehorrhinum
- Catherine O’Hara Ignatia
- Colin Firth Natrum muriaticum (Father in “Nanny McPhee”)
- Diane Sawyer Ignatia (Anchor of ABC’s “World News”)
- Dr. Oz Nux vomica
- Golden Girls actresses:
- Estelle Getty as Sophia (the grandmother) is Silica.
- Betty White as Rose (the innocent one) is Pulsatilla.
- Jake Gyllenhaal Phosphorus (Main character in “Prince of Persia, The Sands of Time”)
- Jonah Hill Pulsatilla (In the movie “Let Him to the Greek,” Jonah Hill chaperons Aldous Snow, the singer)
- Julia Roberts Phosphorus
- Kathy Bates Ignatia
- Leonardo DiCaprio Medorrhinum
- Matthew Gray Gubler Sulphur (Plays Dr. Reid in TV series “Criminal Minds”; If he is
not Sulphur, he is certainly acting very well like one.) - Michelle Rodriguez Nux vomica
- Pilot in the TV series “Lost” Phosphorus
- Queen Latifah Sepia (The main character in the movie “Just Wright”)
Sandra Bullock Sepia - Sigourney Weaver Nux vomica
- Sylvester Stallone Sepia
- Ted Levine Sulphur (Plays captain in TV series Monk)
- Woody Allen Pulsatilla
- The father and the son in the animated movie “How to Train Your Dragon”:
- The father is Calcarea carbonica.
- The son is Silica.