One-Hour Video Testimonial & NWNPC Powerpoint Presentation on our Homepage..

Posted by Dr. Sharif on JULY 15, 2012

I recently gave a presentation on Visual Homeopathy at the NW Naturopathic Physicians Convention in Blaine, Washington. My powerpoint presentation as well as the patient videos I showed at the convention are on the homepage of this website. I compiled nearly 70 patient testimonial videos into a one-hour long video which can be found on both of our websites, and My powerpoint presentation is also posted on the site towards the right bottom corner of the homepage.

The one-hour long testimonial video portrays a loud and clear message that homeopathy is a very effective tool in helping alleviate suffering on all levels, mental/emotional as well as physical. Some of the videos are amazing, such as the two men with post-concussion symptoms whose complaints are significantly alleviated within minutes after taking their constitutional remedy, or the video of the boy with numerous warts who is cured in less than 2 months with two doses of his remedy. And, yet some of the other videos are more ordinary cases where patients are complaining of typical complaints such as fatigue, joint pain, digestive problems, etc.

I hope you find this video and the powerpoint presentation interesting and useful. You are welcome to refer your patients to this video if you would like to help them develop more trust and faith in homeopathy.

Dr. Sharif