This module contains 14 videos, covering 16 different common constitutional types (Two of the videos contain two individuals with different remedies in them). Otherwise, there is one video for each of the other remaining constitutions.
Note: In the Lycopodium & Phosphorous combo video, the lady’s constitution is Lycopodium, and the man’s is Phosphorus. At the time when we did this recording, I had mistakenly thought that the lady’s constitution was Carcinosin, but years later, I came to believe that her constitution was indeed Lycopodium.
Here is the list of the constitutions you will be watching in this module:
- Calc carb
- Causticum
- Ignatia
- Kali carb
- Lachesis
- Lycopodium
- Medorrhinum
- Nat mur
- Nux vomica
- Phosphorus
- Pulsatilla
- Sepia
- Silica
- Staph
- Sulphur